Tuesday, February 2, 2010


You have reached The Rhetoric Goat. My co-blogger will explain the name a little better later, but for now I want to give a little back story and tell you what it is we want to accomplish with this particular entry in the blogosphere.

This is part of a bigger academic project involving political rhetoric and social movements. It began as a paper for a class in the spring of 2009, the focus of which was ideographs and their use in popular conservative rhetoric. Ideas such as this will be present within the work we put into this blog, and we'll touch on all kinds of other political goodness in the process.

I think now would be a good time to get my political leanings out there. I am a proud liberal, however, I feel that there is plenty of work to be done from all corners of the political spectrum. So, while the bulk of work here will be focused on conservative rhetoric, I don't intend to sleep on divisiveness from any source I find. Also, if you catch a hint of bias, I apologize in advance. The ultimate goal is to remain objective, but we all know how difficult that can be at times.

Well, I am a firm believer in letting things play out, and I tend to ramble on for hours if unchecked, so let's leave the introduction at that. Feel free to contact me anytime in the future to bring things to my attention, tell me that I am awesome or inform me that I am a complete ass. I can handle it.

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RhetoricGoat.com by l.m. long and e.covington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.