Sunday, February 5, 2017 Who Are We?

Hoffer indicates that fanatics are not persuaded by logic. It is the narrative - specifically an identity narrative - and the holy cause and brotherhood it promotes that is influential. Douhat, among others, has highlighted the failure of liberals to craft a compelling competing alternative narrative that will be inclusive and powerful enough for Trump fanatics to jump ship. Policy arguments - even moral shaming - are not the rhetorical tools needed.

Obama had such a narrative - the people who voted for him in 2012 but Trump in 2016 were the margin of victory for the GOP.

One person who seems to get this is Evan McMullen. I predict he will be the one to beat Trump in 2020 with a compelling alternative narrative.

From The New York Times:

Who Are We?

The counternarrative to Trumpism excludes too much of America.

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