Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Shared from Twitter: An American Nightmare

An American Nightmare from Larry Lynam's Tweet 

Everyone has it backward and they've had it backward all along. The pundits have wrung their hands over the poll numbers, wondering what it's going to take for Trump to finally lose his momentum. What was going to be the thing that made him unpalatable and what was going to be the final straw that broke the campaign's back?

After all, how was it that he was capable of dragging so many people to his extreme point of view?

The truth of it is that Trump hasn't drug anybody anywhere. And he doesn't have impressive poll numbers because he's somehow or another convinced anybody of anything.

Trump is, as of this moment, the heartbeat of an America with which you and I are not a part of but very much accustomed. His is not a proactive candidacy but a pure, unadulterated, reaction to what a slice of the American public wants. This is a group that lives their lives steeped in unbelievable anger. They are either poor or less rich than they think they should be, they are middle-class or upper middle-class, and they are, almost to a person, white. They are angry and all they want in the fucking world is to blame somebody.

Trump isn't the cause, he's the disease personified.

He is repeating to this group of people, in a voice they've been dying for, the very thing they've always known but they've wanted to hear. And it doesn't matter what gets in their way, whether it's the Constitution they claim to love so much or groups of people they wish to deny basic decency and basic rights.

He has found the pulse of these ignorant, livid people and is playing it like a virtuoso strumming an instrument.

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