Saturday, November 28, 2015

Wingnut Terrorism.

In the war against women's constitutional, reproductive, and civil rights, there are fanatical terrorists.  This act of gun violence in Colorado today is not an isolated event.

There are some folks literally engaged in a jihad against Planned Parenthood - it is their holy cause.  They are willing to kill to promote life.  They are willing to kill in the name of their God.  They are easily rhetorically stimulated by ugly (i.e., vicious and untrue) public discourse about what Planned Parenthood does.  One of many popular media zealots for this cause on Twitter called them "...bloodthirsty butchers."

 In their fanatical narrative, Planned Parenthood exists solely to provide abortions.  In real life, this is 3% of their services.  97% of their services are NOT abortions.  But facts matter little to these rhetorical troublemakers and criminal terrorists who are hell bent on taking away a woman's right to privacy about her personal health decisions which are 100% legal in a Constitutional society.  That they are 0% okay for the fanatical Christians doesn't matter - the Constitution trumps the Bible in America.  History 101.  Founding Fathers intended this.  Why is it so hard for these nutjobs to respect that when it comes to American women's rights?

This is a Constitutional country - and always has been - that was the beauty and genious of what the Founding Fathers crafted for the U.S.A.  That God-given freedom and liberty is what we stand for.  That is what we fight for.  That is what determines that women don't have to submit to government interference with their bodies and choices.

I am a Christian and have done everything possible to prevent unplanned pregnancy, and I have been lucky with the odds.  But without Planned Parenthood, I would not have been able to prevent reproduction as a young (and highly fertile) woman in love.

See the problem?

Anyone who seriously cares about reducing abortions should also stop crusading against and demonizing birth control and making THAT harder to get or pay for, too.

Planned Parenthood primarily exists for that purpose.  Prevention (not Abortion) is their ultimate goal and their primary service.  It is that service that the government has tried to support in healthcare law - ironically, Christians who wish to opt out of the birth control policies simultaneously hold positions that the government should stay out of our lives as much as possible.

If someone can't see that HUGE hypocrisy in their narrative, then you are probably dealing with a True Believer.  There is no logic or good reason, only a fanatical holy war against an invented, anti-thetical, demonic rhetorical trope:  in this case, Planned Parenthood.

This fanaticism - both rhetorical and material - is the ice cold heart of wingnut terrorism.  

Three dead after gunman storms Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado | US news | The Guardian:
 "Although anti-abortion groups may condemn this type of violence when it happens, the way that they target and demonize providers contributes to a culture where some feel it is justifiable to murder doctors simply because they provide women with the abortion care they need.
 “Since 1977, there have been 8 murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 186 arsons, and thousands of incidents of criminal activities. The last abortion provider was murdered in 2009 when NAF member Dr. George Tiller was assassinated in his church in Wichita, Kansas.”"
'via Blog this'

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