Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Tea Party Pushes Democrats Towards Victory By Declaring National Impeach Obama Week

The Tea Party Pushes Democrats Towards Victory By Declaring National Impeach Obama Week:

According to PoliticusUSA:

Robert Ogden writing in the conservative Western Journalism (via Talking Points Memo) reported that “National Impeach Obama Week” is coming on August 23! They even have a website titled “Impeach Obama.” Just in case you didn’t hear them the first six years. They claim their effort is “bi-partisan”, even though polls and reality say otherwise.

Here’s the list of reasons why they want to impeach the President (see if you can find the few that have even a remote relationship to reality and then vow that no matter what side of the aisle you are on, you will never only read what you want to hear):
● Governing by dictatorial fiat with lawless executive orders targeting Amnesty, Obamacare, gun regulation, etc.
● Waging illegal wars without the constitutionally-required approval from Congress
● Assassination of three American citizens without due process via drone bombings
● Bald-faced lying to the American people about the Benghazi attack, Obamacare, etc.
● Supporting Al Qaeda and other Jihadist terrorists in Syria and elsewhere
● Encouraging massive numbers of illegal aliens to enter the US for his own political reasons
● Bizarre and erratic behavior, which implies psychological pathology
● Forgery of his identification documents to make it appear that he is eligible for office
● Overall radical and subversive anti-American background, which is confirmed by his actions in office
● Constitutional ineligibility for the office that he holds

'via Blog this'

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