Thursday, October 17, 2013

PolitiFact Virginia | McDonnell says U.S. Senate hasn't passed a budget in 4-1/2 years

PolitiFact Virginia | McDonnell says U.S. Senate hasn't passed a budget in 4-1/2 years:

Politifact Ruling:  False
In fact they did - this year!  But guess who refused to let it go to committee (where the real negotiations happen in Congress)....yep.  The Tea Party.  From the article:

". . . The Senate, on March 23 this year, passed a $3.7 trillion budget on a 50-49 vote that maintained entitlements -- such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare -- and discretionary domestic programs. It differed from a $3.5 trillion House budget, passed three days earlier, that significantly cut entitlement programs and deficits over the coming decade. 
Efforts to send the competing budgets to a conference committee have been unsuccessful, however. A group of Tea Party senators has blocked motions -- which need unanimous consent -- to advance the Senate’s spending plan. They have insisted on assurances that the budget negotiations would not lead to higher taxes and voiced concern that a conference committee could create momentum for procedures that thwart filibusters against increasing the nation's debt limit."

'via Blog this'

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