Tuesday, July 7, 2015

ISIS videos are sickening. They’re also really effective. - Vox

ISIS videos are sickening. They’re also really effective. - Vox:

"ISIS videos appeal to young people — mostly young men — who feel like their lives lack a sense of purpose or direction."
 So those disaffected young men become True Believers . . . fanatics . . . and join the brotherhood.  It's not really the cause they join, it's the sense of belonging and identity and escape it brings.

" . . . we can say, with confidence, that radicalization isn't just about either proximity to ISIS or poverty. It's about something more: a sense of political grievance on the part of the recruits, sure, but also a life of romantic adventure in a holy war."

ISIS recruiters know exactly what they are doing.  They know who to target and how. They are the textbook case of Hoffer's True Believer persuasive strategy.

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