Thursday, January 24, 2013

John Boehner: Obama On A Mission To 'Annihilate The Republican Party'

In a related video, a discussion on Morning Joe asks who is meaner, Obama or Boehner?  In Obama's own defense, he points out that he's invited and been turned down repeatedly.  He explain that the perhaps the reason for this is GOP "need to demonize me" . . .

Yes,  . . . demonize Obama.  The identity of the GO(tea)P is precisely that.

And it's not enough to win an election.

We know what you're against - what are you FOR?

John Boehner: Obama On A Mission To 'Annihilate The Republican Party':

'via Blog this'

Ted Yoho: Uphold Second Amendment 'Birthright'

(Tea Partier) Ted Yoho: Uphold Second Amendment 'Birthright':

'via Blog this'
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